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/cgl/ is a board for the following:

• Cosplay
• Lolita
• J-fashion
• Conventions & gatherings
• Sewing & prop-making
• Craftsmanship tools/materials & tutorials
• LARPing
• Discussing accessories such as wigs/circle lenses/prosthetics/makeup (These must be within the context of the board-related topics listed above; weight loss threads should be kept in /fit/, beauty and fashion generals should be kept in /fa/)

Our board rules are simple:

• Thread content must be related to one of the categories covered in the list above. Off-topic threads and replies will be deleted.
• Singling people out maliciously is not tolerated and will result in a ban. 4chan is not your personal army. The singling out rule applies to vendetta threads and replies being made to attack a specific person, as well as predatory behavior like doxing. Discussing an individual in general isn't against the rules as long as it's done within context of cosplay/lolita/j-fashion.

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Well hello, Florida Seagulls. It's been a slower year here, but I know you're out there and you know I'm out there. Our local scene keeps on with one location change after the other doesn't it? HolMat where MegaCon is, OtakuFest where "Super"con is (impending lols there), Mizucon where OtakuFest was, Anime Iwai at the far end of Palm Beach County
>Alternate Title: Musical Venues Edition

>Anime in the Park - April 20 - Groveland
>Sarasota Anime-Fest - April 27 - Sarasota
>KirbiiCon - May 4 - Fort Lauderdale
>OtakuFest - May 17-19 - Miami Beach
>Mizucon - May 24-26 - Miami
>Collect-A-Con Orlando - May 25-26 - Orlando
>Finn-Con@MDC June 15 - Miami
>Anime Festival Orlando - June 28-30 - Orlando
>Metrocon - July 5-7 - Tampa
>Florida Supercon - July 12-14 - Miami Beach
>SWFL Anime-Fest - August 11 - Fort Myers
>FT-Lauderdale Anime-Fest - September 15 - Fort Lauderdale

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>bragging about how many cons you've been to in 3 years
>this general incoherence
I have a pretty good idea who this is lmao.

Don't bother giving him (you)'s he will do some insane mental gymnastics to validate how right he is and if not must be one of his infamous 'haters'. You will literally lose braincells taking to this guy.
Point of contact: rudyfrog (discord)
To reiterate, if you are going to a convention in Florida and have a hotel room with space for one more, I will trade mixed drinks for a bed to sleep in.
The funny thing is that the vendors themselves all take card payments
You just sound mad that you had to pay $1 extra for a service fee, why are you so cheap anon?
Why didn't you just pay cash then?

May 17-19, 2024

Are you going for the whole weekend?
What are you cosplaying?
Is your cosplay done or are you con crunching?
Are you hosting a panel or working a booth?
Going to the rave?
Favorite part of the con?
Any other activities you’re looking forward to?
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I get why the trend took off. I understand just desperately wanting even the casual intimacy of a friendly hug and hey, here's this way to get them where you're not forcing yourself on anybody. But it's just so deeply creepy and sad. Any anon considering it would be better off with signs that invite conversation.

>ASK ME ABOUT [favorite obscure anime]
>PLAY ME IN [card game you can easily play with a stranger]

Hell, one year a buddy and I just challenged every passerby in the lobby to rock-paper-scissors and ended up making connections for a room party. It's a con. People are up for meeting people. Otaku should focus on ways to make themselves more approachable, not on ways to get people to hug them as a joke.
>It's a con. People are up for meeting people. Otaku should focus on ways to make themselves more approachable
I going to really try to put my social autism aside and talk to people this time.
>>>/cm/ ?
You can do it anon! Remember, it's tens of thousands of people who like the same weird shit you do. Odds are good you can find SOMEBODY to chat with.

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“Shit, only 2 months left?”Edition

65 days to go

Previous thread

>You Preregistered?
>for the premierfags, you still miss being a premierfag this year?
>did you manage to get a hotel? Just a yes or no would suffice
>How’s your AX fund jar doing so far and what’s your budget?
>You got your work PTO approved?
>Any setbacks so far until the con?
>Cosplay Day 0/1/2/3 plans?

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That’s not enough honestly, you need that much per day. I can’t imagine bringing such a low amount of money at a con. You should be embarrassed to be so poor, in fact, I have second hand embarrassment for you.
Considering a gigantic, supermajority of attendees agree with the cause, piddinv then off is a good way to stop support
>he doesn't walk to LA, cut the line, jump the turnstile, eat trash food, sleep in bus stops, and bring $11 for homeless head
True, he needs to at least have enough to buy all the available funko pops in the exhibit hall.
> I have been practicing with my burro and gato. I am now ready for woman.
You might be onto something. I have been… practicing and I am ready for woman at con.

Looks suspiciously the previous OP pic but with a new account
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i can't remember the last time i ordered anything from lacemarket. it's practically unusable at this point.
Are they even a lolita? Almost every dress and blouse has a replacement button inside, it's not something special enough to sell extra.

Can't blame her, people are paying batshit insane prices for old school lately.
it'll probably go over 1k honestly
it's met>>10912671
a gobelin set what do you expect
>>10912671 #
it'll probably go over 1k honestly
it's meta gobelin set what do you expect
If we could have mods ban scalpers & resellers i think the world would be a better place. They arent even profiting off of them, unless theyre slipping them money under the table, so whats the fucking point??

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Long live the King.

Old thread lasted like 8 months. Go team and our complete lack of anything going on of note.

Weathers warming up, hope you’ve been working on stuff over winter for the new season.

Cons listed not endorsed. Just copy pasta from 1st search for UK anime cons.

Manchester Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 6-7, 2024 Sugden Sports Centre
Cardiff Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 13-14, 2024 Cardiff Students' Union
Portsmouth Anime & Gaming Con 2024 April 20-21, 2024 Portsmouth Marriott Hotel
Japan Fest Welcomes Asia 2024 May 4, 2024 Cromford Mills

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>Primarily going to meet other nerds/weebs/etc and make some buds.
me too
>had good results in AL manchester last month but like the tard I am I forgot to ask for contact details
Will you be cosplaying as anything? I'm doing "Boys" Last Tour, atleast one of the days. Say hi if you see me, we can hang out, although it can be difficult if it's busy.
Afraid not, I haven't been able to get it together in time so I've pushed it to the anime con in birmingham come June.

Pretty sure my saturday ticket gets me in the afternoon so I'll say hi if I see you!
what were you planning on cosplaying?
Coincidentally I was planning on a genderbent cosplay myself. I rewatched PSG in anticipation of the new TRIGGER season - had a lightbulb moment as to how I'd do a bent Stocking

75% of it is in my room waiting but some of the big items that need modification haven't turned up yet.
psg = panty and stocking with garterbelt?

My favorite Miku cosplay pic
not coomabe enough

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Old thread hit bump limit.

My comm president is having her 40th birthday tomorrow. Wtf, I would have guessed she was like 25, but she has 2 kids who both cosplay Sonic th Headgod chracter
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I want to fuck a hot slut.
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After dwelling on it, I can say, yes, complacence is part of why I'm not enjoying cons as much. Stuff that seems normal today would have been insane when I first started attending, and stuff that seemed insane at the time would be "Eh" at best now. Will that improve my experiences going forward? Dunno. But at least I feel more grateful, and plan to be on the look out for new ways of spicing things up
I need a redheaded weeb gf that is obsessed with Evangelion. Not for cosplay purposes, it's just that I had enough with dating normies.
>No. Men just want you to only turn your whore on for them and nobody else when you're in a relationship.
So men want a faithful, monogamous relationship with lots of sex?
Yes. It's disgusting.

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who's going? what are you going as?

this'll be my first con since like 2007.
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They had a strong relationship with NijiEN. Since the fall out of Salene, they pretty much distanced themselves from them.
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I dunno about that one...
No one is going to show up to this clusterfuck.
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They'll be announcing the VA for Marcille (Senbongi Sayaka) next
I got a room at the Travelodge by the Space Needle. Within walking distance of the con, has breakfast, pool and stuff. $200 a night, but split between con friends it's cheap. There are cheaper places further away.
Will message you. Not sure if we still have room.

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Films/tv shows that are based on cosplay/con culture or at least reference it in some way.

I felt that 2Kawaii4Comfort was (for better or worse) the most accurate description of going to a small con and having a bad time at it. It's a shame it ended on a cliffhanger.
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Honestly as someone in the competitive scene this show is like crack to me and my friends. Competitive cosplayers are just /like/ that, the show is spot on with the ridiculousness and how life or death serious people get stressed over it
I just finished the first episode and I agree. This is pretty accurate to how intense/emotional some of these people can get with this competition.

On that note, the difference between the contestants who are treating the cosplay contest as a life or death situation vs the ones that are having fun with it is night and day. One of the contestant's perfectionism resulted in her completely skipping the competition.
Agree, will say it's also super interesting to rewatch the show through the 2024 lens of competitive cosplay, where we have so much more available technology that is the norm in contest cosplays now. Seeing a pre-3d printer competitive scene was great
電車男 (Densha Otoko). Although it's an exaggerated comedy and not directly related to cosplay, it's one of the few series I've seen that still pretty accurately portrayed anime nerds and 4chan-esque culture (there are a couple cosplayers/LARPers featured in it) in many respects. I recommend the TV series over the book.

Does visible acne (maybe even with no attempt to cover it) ruin a person's cosplay for you? How much does it bother you compared to other commonly-complained-about accuracy dealbreakers in cosplay like obeseness/scrawniness, height, wildly inaccurate races, etc?
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Acne I can ignore because depending on body chemistry it’s not always preventable. Those chapped fucking lips on the other hand are very preventable
It honestly depends on the one's acne, but if all if his or her face is a fucking covered in landmines, It's bad.
The right makeup can cover acne pretty well. But idealy you should do something to clear it up. Spend the months leading up to con season to take care of it.
It's over
I'm not bothered by height or race. However anything that makes someone look unhealthy or like a cheap whore kills it for me.

Acne makes me feel sad for the person because I remember being a teen and researching desperately for how to stop acne, and all anything I could find said was "it's just genetics" and "cover it with some cream" bullcrap. You really have to stop eating anything containing cooking oils, among other things. Unlike an obese lady choosing to go to a con in a bikini, absolutely no one wants acne, so I feel like anyone who has it just hasn't been told how to stop it.

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Do you agree with this popular cosplay girl's opinions on male cosplays?
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This is true and I'm going to take this a step further: very few people like masculinity at these conventions at all unless you are very, very attractive and are playing some sort of shirtless SERIOUS character or one who shows off physique in some form.

I have cosplayed as both men and women. I am a guy but I look very feminine. Feminine enough that when put next to other crossplayers I look more like a woman than them, but when put next to women I look like a guy in a dress. I also do cosplay as bishonen and similar characters. I get WAY more attention from both guys and girls when crossplaying than when looking like a prettyboy. I get none looking like a bishonen. At the same con I often bring two outfits and wear both on different days, getting a shitload of attention as a girl and none as a guy, even if a feminine guy.

Masculinity in general is not cared about at all and is often looked down upon when it comes to fashion and showing off situations. This goes for cons, this goes for real life.

Essentially this.
cosplay an utena boy
Looks ok to me
But I'm a man...
i miss the era when men would at least wear shitty half-assed cosplay for fun. feels so rare now. the last con I had fun at was one where I could say "uh yeah I guess you ARE waluigi"
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I only cosplay as guys, but it seems to me that many "typical" male chars in anime/manga have boring or downright ugly as hell outfits even if their personalities are ok. See: Dr. Stone. Great male chars often have clothes so generic (such as a random-ass suit or the same clothes and hair as 600 other characters) that he's not recognizable as a cosplay. Female chars and bishie chars seem, on the whole, to always have more recognizable clothing. Dunno if this plays into anything.

Foid here,
I'm starting to think cosplaying is only worth it if you're attractive
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>some women can't get chad! Therefore their life is just as hard as a man who's never had anyone ever interested in him!
Holy shit kys>>10904550
He did and he does. He says worse things about you. What's more, because he spies on you he probably laughs at your tiny cock as well.
It depends on what characters you're cosplaying as. Some are strictly meant for attractive people, many however are not.
Accuse them of being eugenicist and ableist every time they mock you for your height. Women can't stand having their progressiveness credentials questioned so it shuts them up almost instantly.
if you're that short just become a femboy crossthot

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Previous thread >>10858314
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WTB in red or black (preferred), only the 4 tier version as I already had the mini and didn't like the fit
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I want this stupid little thing. Please message me if you have it or anything similar (like the older bear rucksacks). I will pay good money.
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Preordered this Verdure Mallory Long OP back in October from VM on the WW website. I paid around $300? Asking $200 shipped within the US (Willing to ship internationally). She’s new in package, never tried on or anything. Shoot me an email if interested!
will pay literally any price please please please. looking for a few other MM pieces as well. if you have MM to sell, please offer.
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dropped pic

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Years ago, when cosplay started getting popular, but also sexual, I remember being a big fan of a certain cosplayer. They turned out to be quite rude to their fans, and I was left being disappointed by it.

Later as the years went by, I came upon information that her cosplay hype died down, her twitch and vtuber arc couldn't lift off the ground, and she lost her twitter verification, and just isn't popular anymore.

Basically what I'm trying to say in this thread is; fuck that whore. But also how has the cosplay community/scene been? Has it gotten more slutty? Worse? Better? Are people chill, or rude? Tell me your experiences from before (5-10 years ago) v.s now.
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lol her back has boobs
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this thread is helping me relieve a personal crisis I had at holomat 2023. Maybe people really are less friendly now? I went there to get some gifts for my wife and her sister's birthday but I also expected the old con experience I'd have in like 2014 or some shit. It never mattered that I was alone because I could always chat up strangers at the bar, often times ones that were unrelated to the con. For example my wife brought me to a MLP convention I had no interest in so I ended up spending the evening shooting shit with an elderly german woman there for her daughters and a maintenance guy that just got off his shift at the hotel. Typically at anime cons I end up chatting a bunch of different people up and get invited to room parties and shit.

not at 2023 holomat. Everyone felt so unapproachable. Like I was getting iced out of even looking at a stranger's direction. Even at the bar people were sequestered into their cliques. I just chalked it up to my social skills getting rusty post pandemic but I had a minor freakout about the extroverted part of my personality being blunted somehow, maybe with age. like I stopped being this person that could make a total stranger smile no problem. Not going to say it's all the atmosphere changing, there were some people that felt friendly but I was to shy to even say hi and read the vibe from there.
>I just chalked it up to my social skills getting rusty post pandemic
The pandemic fucked over all our social skills. Some people got rusty, others forgot how to engage with society. Everyone is more angry and afraid. We all have collective social trauma now and hardly anyone talks about it. It really bothers me that it's not discussed...
>It really bothers me that it's not discussed...
literally everything about the pandemic has been memoryholed and it makes me both sad and angry because the worst effects of it were on youth who all have literally stunted development
yes it's it's really sad how nowadays it's considered weird to try to talk to strangers, and i practically never see anyone younger than like 35 anywhere in public anymore
Different con, same experience. It was like everyone who was there had come with their friends and intended on not talking to anyone who wasn't already a friend.

I've noticed the same trend online in the past few years though. People act like it's crazy, stalkerish or creepy if a random stranger comes across their public blog/twitter/whatever and posts a comment, or if someone tries to send them a private message. Hell, I've even noticed the level of interaction on Discord has lessened in the past 2 years - when someone writes something people are now just clicking a button to send an emote instead of actually writing a response, so the servers all die due to no actual conversations happening. Young people see no problem with this as they don't know any different.

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